Academic Integrity

What is Academic Integrity?

Academic integrity & your responsibilities

The International Centre for Academic Integrity defines academic integrity as "a commitment to five fundamental values: honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility", and “the courage to act on them even in the face of adversity" (Fishman, 2014, p.16).  At ECU this is driven by our values of Integrity, Respect, Rational Inquiry and Personal Excellence.

Why is academic integrity so important to you and ECU?

As a new student you become part of and contribute to a global academic community.  Acting with academic integrity in this community means that you:

  • Commit to your studies
  • Take responsibility for doing your own work
  • Establish trustworthiness by acting honestly
  • Respect the ideas and work of others

It is a whole of university approach – everyone has a role to play!

Acting with academic integrity – what does it look like?

Academic integrity is fundamental to ECU’s expectations of you. We expect you to uphold the principles of academic integrity and our core values of Integrity, Respect, Rational Inquiry, Personal Excellence and Courage.

The Academic Integrity Policy Clause sets these out in everyday terms and include:

  • Being engaged in your learning and/or conducting research.
  • Being engaged in assessment tasks and submitting work that has been correctly in-text and end-text referenced.
  • That the work you submit for Assessment is YOUR work, or if a group assessment task, the GROUP's work.
  • Considering the opinions and values of others, such as in group discussions or group assessment tasks.

For more information, please visit the ECU Academic Integrity page.